Making the decision to move from a larger home to a smaller one can be difficult. Your home is a source of comfort and security. For many, it’s where you watched your children grow up and create memories. Here are some tips to indicate that it might be time to downsize your home.
Maintenance Becomes Overwhelming
Large houses require lots of upkeep to remain clean, tidy, and functioning properly. Especially if you’ve owned the house for a while, more and more large items such as the roof, heating and air, or appliances frequently require replacements. Regardless of the reason, a larger house can quickly become more hassle and a sign that it’s time to consider downsizing to a smaller home.
Too Many Empty/Unused Rooms
Over the years, your family has probably changed a lot. You might have seen your loved ones grow and mature in your house, but now they all live on their own and the house seems bigger than you remember. If you’re questioning whether or not to downsize, take a tour of your house; if you can’t think of a purpose behind many of the rooms, this could be an indicator that you don’t need quite this big of a home.
A Desire to Simplify Your Life
Not everyone is afraid of downsizing, especially if you already want to make your life simpler. Downsizing makes you process which items are important in your life and which are just stuff cluttering it up. Depending on where you live afterward, downsizing can also simplify practicalities such as lawn care, paying bills, and transportation.
It’s Harder to Get Around
If you’re less steady on your feet or tire quickly while walking, you might want to consider living in a smaller space. Living in a home without stairs might be the first small step to keep you or your loved one safe. A smaller space can also mean less manual work keeping your home clean as well as fewer steps to get from one room to another.
Unsustainable Monthly Expenses
Often, keeping up with a house and a mortgage payment is unrealistic for those who are retired. Even if you’ve paid off a mortgage, paying to heat, cool, or power a house bigger than you require can needlessly burden your budget. Downsizing can make sure you have just what you need t0 live comfortably—both physically and financially!
If any of these signs apply to you, it may be time to look into moving to an easier to maintain home or senior community. Contact the team at Harmony Senior Relocation Services to learn how we can take the stress out of the downsizing process!